Linda in Seoul, Korea

Thanks for stopping by my Poet’s Corner.

In Poet’s Corner you will see mostly my poems. However sometimes I will post other poets’ poems that I love.

My love for poetry and writing poems has increased over the years, to point now, that I find myself writing a poem almost weekly. I have dabbled at writing poetry for many years, trying to learn the various forms–though not always successfully. But I keep on learning. This past year I have camped more on Haiku, and branched out a little to writing Tanka–a precursor to Haiku. I’ll explain these forms later–so keep reading! 🙂

I also travel a lot–sometimes globally, sometimes just in our good ole USA. I usually find something worthy to write about as I go here and there. Metamorphosis was written after a trip to Nepal. Here’s a photo and a clip from my travel journal.

“Today, Vani and I encountered a Newari farmer carrying a load of freshly bound hay from his rice field. We stopped and chatted with him and he graciously allowed me to take his photo. I wanted to paint him there and then!” (LK Bridges, Kathmandu, 11/2015) I did paint this farmer.  You can see my watercolor/pastel painting of him in my gallery. I hope you like it.

A Newari farmer carrying rice straw home to his animals.


    Changed am I!

    My jaunts here and there

    Leave their mark

    On mind/soul,

    Impressions n’er forgotten.

    Now I pray differently.

©By Linda Bridges (2010)

Metamorphosis is a Shadorma poem, a Spanish poetic form composed of a six line stanza, and like Haiku, it is ruled entirely by syllables—3/5/3/3/7/5–though the subject matter can be anything. It can be composed as a multiple stanza poem–though many are only one.

Give it a try. At first I did not like the brevity of the Shadorma. I love writing prose so it felt very restrictive. But with time and practice, I have grown to love writing Shadorma poems. You’ll see them often in my Poet’s Corner.

I hope you’ll enjoy visiting the Poet’s Corner from time to time. Whenever possible, I’ll post a photo or one of my paintings alongside the poems. If you have a poem you’d like to share, please send me a note and I might even post it! (With your permission, of course!) If you like this page, please click the ‘Like’ button so I’ll know.




Note: Linda has been a career missionary and Bible teacher for more than 35 years, having lived on foreign soil in both Austria and Thailand. Through her ministries she has traveled and taught the Bible in more than 20 countries, most recently in Nepal and Ukraine. She is also an author and children’s storybook illustrator and loves painting, writing poetry, and blogging.